Five Houseplants That Will Thrive in Your Home

It’s that time again, friends: Happy National Indoor Plant Week! Last year, we wrote about the positive effects houseplants can have on your mood, atmosphere, and overall decor. This year, we wanted to share a few of our favorite varieties. Whether you’re the type of person who occasionally forgets to water, or the sort with the greenest thumb ever, you’ll be sure to find some beautiful options for your home on our list.

Photo by LeeAnn Cline on Unsplash

Photo by LeeAnn Cline on Unsplash


Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash


1. Snake Plant

Fun fact: this beauty is also known as mother-in-law’s tongue. It has long, sword-like leaves with yellow or white edges that grow upright. Occasionally, you might be lucky enough to glimpse small, white flowers (they only bloom rarely). It grows well in a variety of lighting conditions, which means you can place it right next to a window or in your darkest corner. The more attention you give it, the better it will grow, but it has a forgiving nature: if you let it get too dry, it will often bounce back after a healthy drink of water.

Photo by Kelsey Brown on Unsplash

2. Pothos

This plant is nearly impossible to kill. If you’re not interested in a lot of maintenance, this is the perfect choice for you. Like the snake plant, pothos will thrive in any light setting, even under artificial office lamps, and although they’ll wilt if you ignore them for too long, they do like to dry out between waterings. You can grow them in a hanging pot or place them on a table or shelf, and they’ll trail beautifully. If you have a green thumb, you should know that pruning pothos will keep them fuller at the base, and you can also root cuttings in water to create more plants. Hellooooooo, pothos babies. (We like to put ours in Mason jars.)

Photo by Ergita Sela on Unsplash

Photo by Ergita Sela on Unsplash


3. Aloe Vera

An aloe plant, one of our favorite succulents, will grow for years in the same container. You won’t need to water it too frequently, but you will need to place it in direct light. It won’t do well in a shaded room. We love aloe because it’s not only gorgeous, but can be used for medicinal purposes. If you stay out in the sun too long or burn yourself on the stove, treat your wound with its sap—you’ll feel better in no time!

Photo by Max Williams on Unsplash

4. Peace Lily

It’s so hard to choose one favorite plant! We keep the peace lily at the the top of our list for several reasons though. It’s been known to purify air more than your typical house plant (it would be a great addition to any bedroom), and we also love its handsome beauty. It might struggle to bloom without bright light, but it stays alive regardless, and if you do give it some sun, it will reward you with pink or white flowers. Lilies thrive in moist soil, so make sure to check on yours every week.

Photo by 王维家 on Unsplash

Photo by 王维家 on Unsplash


5. Spider Plant

This is another variety that can grow anywhere and likes to dry out between waterings. It’s a perfect choice if you prefer to only check up on your plants every week or two, or have a darker room you’d like to spruce up with a little greenery. You might need to repot it every few years, and if it thrives, it will grow babies, but once they’re rooted, you can cut them off, plant them on their own, and either expand your indoor garden or give them to a friend. Spider plants look especially lovely in hanging pots.


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